Antiquity & Medieval

Discover the origins of civilization's most significant inventions, such as the wheel, atoms, lever, paper, glassblowing, zero, and many more, that continue to shape our world today.

Every set includes 20 carefully selected scientific breakthroughs, suitable for Large or Small walls or any metallic area. With a display space of 1m by 35cm, establish a dynamic and vibrant exhibit.

  • Wheel - Unknown - 3500 BC

    Mesopotamia, Eastern Europe et al.

  • Arch Bridges - Unknown - 642 BC

    Ancient Rome

  • Lock and Key - Theodorus of Samos - 6th C. BC

    Ancient Greece

  • Hydraulic cement - Unknown - 5th-3th C. BC

    Ancient Rome

  • Atoms - Kaṇāda - 600-200 BC


  • Camera obscura - Aristotle - 4th C. BC

    Ancient Greece

  • Lever - Archimedes - 3rd C. BC

    Syracuse, Sicily, then part of Magna Graecia, modern day Italy

  • Fibonacci sequence - Acharya Pingala - 3rd C. BC


  • Analog computer - Unknown - 3rd-2nd C. BC

    Ancient Greece

  • Paper - Unknown - 2nd C. BC


  • Universe - Aristarchus of Samos - 260 BC

    Ancient Greece

  • Astrolabe - Apollonius of Perga - 220-150 BC

    Ancient Greece

  • Glassblowing - Unknown - 1st C. BC

    Syrian province, Roman Empire, modern day Syria

  • Mariner's Compass - Unknown - 2nd C.


  • Zero - Brahmagupta - 7th C. - India


  • Distillation - Jabir ibn Hayyan, Abu Bakr al-Razi - 800-900

    Abbaside Khalifate, modern day Iran

  • Gunpowder - Zhenyuan miaodao yaolüe - 9th C.


  • Eyeglasses - Alessandro di Spina - 13th C.


  • Prague astronomical clock - Mikuláš of Kadaň and Jan Šindel - 1410

    Kingdom of Bohemia, modern day Czech Republic

    © CC-BY Steve Collis, 2012

  • Printing press - Johannes Gutenberg - 1436-1439


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