Antiquity & Medieval

Discover the contrast between the lost masterpieces of Antiquity and Medieval periods and the evolution of art techniques by viewing our magnetic ArtWall

Each box contains 15 hand-picked art masterpieces that can be displayed on our Large or Small walls or any metal surface. With a total display surface of 1 meter by 35 centimeters, you can create an exciting and visually appealing display.

  • Laocoön and His Sons - Agesander, Polydorus and Athenodorus - ~180 BC

    Marble, Pergamene baroque style, Vatican Museum

  • Venus de Milo - Alexandros of Antioch - 125-150 BC

    Parian marble, Classic Hellenic style, Louvre, Paris, France

  • Alexander Mosaic From the House of Faun - Unknown - ~100 BC

    Mosaic, Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli, Italy

  • Portrait of Terentius Neo - Unknown - 55-79

    Fresco, Pompeii, Italy

  • Early Spring - Guo Xi - 1072

    Ink and light colour on silk, Taipei National Museum, Taiwan

  • Jesus Christ Pantocrator - Unknown - Late XII century

    Mosaic, Late Byzantine naturalism, Hagia Sophia, Istanbul, Turkey

  • Annunciation - Unknown - 1300-1325

    Egg tempera on wood panel, Paleologos mannerism, Church of Saints Clement and Panteleimon, Ohrid, Macedonia

  • Kiss of Judas - Giotto - 1305

    Fresco, Scrovegni Chapel, Padua, Italy

  • Maestà - Duccio di Buoninsegna - 1308-1311

    Tempera and gold on wood, Siena Cathedral, Italy

  • Tribute Money - Masaccio - 1424-1428

    Fresco, Brancacci Chapel, Basilica, Florence, Italy

  • St. Peter Healing a Cripple and Raising of Tabitha - Masolino - 1425

    Fresco, Brancacci Chapel, Basilica, Florence, Italy

  • Deposition of Christ - Fra Angelico - 1432-1434

    Tempera on panel, National Museum of San Marco, Florence, Italy

  • Route of San Romano - Paolo Uccello - 1435-1460

    Egg tempera on poplar, National Gallery, Galleria degli Uffizi, Louvre, Paris, France

  • The Visions of Saint Eustace - Pisanello - 1438-1442

    Egg tempera on wood, National Gallery, London , UK

  • St Jerome in Penance - Fra Filippo Lippi - 1439

    Tempera on panel, Lindenau-Museum, Altenburg, Germany

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