Gothic and Renaissance

Take a journey through an era of innovative architecture and design, from the exquisite Canterbury Cathedral to the magnificent Frederiksborg Castle.

This collection of 15 architectural masterpieces reflects the spirit and essence of these key periods, and is perfectly adaptable to any magnetic wall or metallic surface.

  • Canterbury Cathedral - William of Sens, William the Englishman et al. - 1070-1077

  • Notre Dame de Paris - Jean de Chelles, Pierre de Montreuil et al. - 1163-1345

  • Mosque-Cathedral of Córdoba - Ahmad ibn Baso et al. - 13th C.

  • Cologne Cathedral - Master Gerhard et al. - 1248-1322

  • Florence Cathedral - Arnolfo di Cambio et at. - 1296-1436

  • Doge Palace - Filippo Calendario et al. - 1340-1442

  • Milan Cathedral - Simone da Orsenigo et al. - 1386-1577

  • Brussels Town Hall - Jacob van Thienen, et al. - 1401-1455

  • Leuven Town Hall - Sulpitius van Vorst et al. - 1439-1469

  • Church of St. Anne - Michael Enkinger - 1495-1500

  • Belém Tower - Francisco de Arruda - 1514-1519

  • Château de Chambord - Domenico da Cortona - 1519-1547

  • Uffizi Gallery - Giorgio Vasari et al. - 1560-1581

  • Antwerp City Hall - Cornelis Floris de Vriendt et al. - 1561-1565

  • Frederiksborg Castle - Hans van Steenwinckel the Elder et al. - 1602-1620

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